Get used to the weight of the FITSWORD®, with a safe progression, made of  simple and basic gestures with a weight that you can handle, and over time increase the weight and complexity of gestures and choreographies.

Total Body Workout

Real Functional Training for a total body workout, as handling the FITSWORD® works directly your arms and shoulders, while working your core and legs, as the transmission of power (and control) goes through this kinetic chain.

Symmetric Training and

improved Coordination

Make your training symmetric and balanced:

practice one session right-handed and the next session left-handed. You'll develop strength, endurance and coordination, taking no rest between every set.

Dual Swords Wielding

The ultimate training goal is the ability to  use effectively 2 FITSWORDS®, and the ability to practice and duell with them.

It requires lots of coordination and mind-body control. Build the automatism to make the 2 arms independent and able to strike an attack while the other arm defends you from a blow.


Freestyle & Dexterity

With your FITSWORD® you can do free-style drills, where creativity is mixed with athletic skills and infinite possibilities.

Free-style moves will open the door of improvisation, linking drills that involve one arm, two arms doing the same moves, two arms doing different moves, all combined with foot-works or other functional movements.


Even if you play slow and soft, each move is a rep... every duel is a straining set. At every attack, at every move, you'll feel the FITSWORD® more and more heavy, but you got to endure and keep on sparring, till your contender can't lift his sword anymore!!

You will gain strength from sword cut/thrust/parry exercises and endurance if you train with long sequences of cuts.

The Size doesn't matter

You can’t swing and use the FITSWORD® without using your muscles. It’s your muscles that power the FITSWORD®, so you have to choose the weight that you can properly handle.

This means that two persons of different sizes/strenghts can train together with FITSWORDS® of different weight.

Each contender struggles with the weight of the FITSWORD® chosen, while sparring and training.

Safety when Sparring

Safety depends on the distance.

The FITSWORD® is like a short sword (70 cm long). The range is limited and the movements are wide and predictables.


The purpose of this training is having fun and learn the technique with style, while you improve strenght, endurance, agility, coordination.


Once you master the Fitness and Light Combat skills, you can practice some Combat for more freedom and unpredictability.

You enter the world of combat sports and martial arts where confrontation is more "hard" and the purpose is no longer the simulation of the basic movements but their real application.

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